Connecting Together has developed its very first course, this blog post is introducing the first course Sensory Processing delivering 5 modules to you virtually with so much content and information to support your child’s development and function. From this blog you will receive information on the course and know exactly where to go to find access this course available at a great price.
This course was created through lockdown COVID-19 period, and by an Occupational therapist who is passionate about providing therapy and supporting your families goals. I hope you find the passion, value and information from this course inspiring and that you are able to take away the templates and download to use straight away to support your child and family.

Parents who have purchased this course have shared that
“This course provided me so much understanding into my child`s behaviour, and it helped me to understand the function of their behaviour was not naughty or negative. I will give the strategies a try and the templates to support my child here at home and in school. Thank you Melissa (Connecting Together)”.
What is Sensory Processing ?
So firstly, what is Sensory Processing? Sensory processing is the term for our brains way of modulating and processing the senses that come from our environment, and how we manage this. Sensory input from our environment is how we receive feedback and respond to what is going on, it occurs all around us and often without us thinking to much into it. Such as if your reading this blog, and suddenly hear a loud noise, it may startle you and you respond by looking towards the sound, or you jump slightly, or you continue reading and it does not affect you to much. We all may process this in different, ways this can be through our experiences and our registration, the levels of sensory input we can receive before we respond. This also applies to our children, and for most children this is not well understood, so it can show as behaviours (a response) and can often be interpreted as ‘naughty behaviours; however it could be them just responding in the way they know how.
See https://www.connecting-together.co.nz/post/sensory-processing-summary for more information
Sensory Processing Course ?
Back to the course; Sensory Processing course with Connecting Together offers five modules. Each module includes videos and downloads.
The first module is Knowledge and Translation, covering what is Sensory Processing in depth, each of the Sensory systems (there may be more than you realise), and common terminology used by health professionals. There are so many terms and so I break them down, and let you know similarities etc.
The second module is Challenges and Possible reasoning, so this covers so reasoning's as to why sensory processing may be impacting your child and their daily functioning, to better understand what their behaviour means and what they are trying to communicate to you. Some assessments for how we know it is Sensory Processing, and lastly arousal levels; where you get downloads to be able to understand your child’s patterns in sensory needs, and when they be over aroused or under aroused in their daily routine. A great module to help us understand why it may occur and how it can be picked up.
The third module, is Strategies !! The most important module, you get a break down of strategies for each Sensory System, easy, implementable ideas that you can do in your own home. I tried to incorporate ideas that would not require lots of equipment, or can be substituted for items in your home. This is a great downloadable to refer back to time and time again.
The last module, Templates. Gives you all the templates and more, that support you finding our your child`s individual sensory patterns, and reviewing the strategeis you try with them. As how would we know if it works, would we be able to see a reduce in the behaviours at home and school, and if not what else can we do. The templates are easy to use and offer review of each strategy. This is also so great to take to any health professional or service you may be working with to support your child’s development and functioning, they can then review and support you with this in your daily routine.
Where can I find this course?
This course is available on Connecting Together https://www.connecting-together.co.nz/courses/sensory-processing-course
It is currently the first course, however I do aim to release more on developmental areas to provide you with more options and variety in supporting your child.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have purchased the course please do provide us feedback on how you found it, as I would like to do the best I can to deliver you amazing content.
This course is also free for members, Sensory processing membership site, free for members to access anytime they need and with a therapist available through live sessions to answer any questions you may have any time.
